I have been thinking about ways to write this blog all weekend. I found a need to say so many things and I am not sure how they will come out but I am just going to let it all come out today. What really has me going is something that I have said for a few weeks now, everyone I know seems to be going through something. I realize that we all deal with adversity in our own ways. But, for the most part, it is hard to deal with pain and broken dreams.
I have dealt with my own issues the best way I can, which is looking inwardly for all the answers in my life. There has been a time where I have actually prayed for guidance and strength because sometimes my thoughts betray me. I am not going to say that how I am going through things is the way everyone should, but one thing I will say is that no one should let their pain rule them. I seen too many instances where people have let their pain beat them. I am one of those people who refuse to let that happen to me...but I admit, it is a struggle.
Pain can make our thoughts go sour...and depending on the person, they want nothing more than to share their misery with the person who created that pain. I completely understand this reaction but it isn't the right one. I have witnessed instances where someone can become very vindictive because of another person's deceit. The problem is that you cannot battle deceit with vindictiveness because no one wins. Karma dictates that what comes around goes around. We can never force this. If anyone of us were to be vindictive to another person we may find ourselves at the end of karma.
Which brings me to my example. Many people want to know why my mother and I have not had the best relationship. As I once again stand at the precipice of solitude, I look at my past in order to see where my future may lead. One of the things that I did not want was for my marriage to lead to divorce because I lived through the very painful and damaging divorce of my parents. My mother left my father when I was in grammar school and the divorce was not finalized until college. Here is where I realized being vindictive does not work.
My mother was not happy with my father and wanted to make sure he paid for their failed 14 year marriage. When she moved out she took me with her. The nomadic period of my life began here, where we moved 3 times in 5 years. When I was 16 I had to make a difficult choice of which parent to live with. I chose my dad, not because I didn't love my mother, but because I wanted to become a man. My social awkwardness up to that point in my life was not working for me. I didn't know how to speak to a girl much less have the chance to hang out and meet one.
Clearly this upset her and a messy divorce ensued. As a result of my decision to choose my father, my mom disowned me. She took me out for dinner one night at Willie's Steakhouse and told me that I am no longer her son. Thus my first break up from a woman, the one that seems to haunt all of my relationships. This is where I link my issues abandonment. This is where I feel that every woman I fall in love with will eventually leave me because if my mother can do it, what is going to stop anyone else? Trust me, it has happened 4 times so far...
Her vindictiveness also lead her down the path of making my father pay. As you know, women are entitled to half of a man's assets, so she wanted half the house, which forced my father to take a loan for 90k. When the time came, he asked her to pay half tuition. She said no..and he took her to court and made her pay half of all my tuition. At one point we talked and she cried to me saying that my father was being unfair and taking all her money...but I was reminded of the Lexus that she drives (and still does...it is a pretty hot car too).
My relationship with my mother has been very shaky for years. We have made attempts to repair this relationship on many occasions. Every time I experience a break up, I am forced to think about her. I wonder if I had a healthy relationship with her if I would be where I am now. Maybe there is a part of me that inherently does not trust a woman for some reason because I know I will give them a reason to leave.
My point is being vindictive solves nothing. You end up hurting yourself more. The best way to "get back" someone is to be the best person you can be. I know that sounds kind of spiritual but it is what it is. For anyone who is done wrong, eventually things will look brighter. Turning the other cheek against those who have wrong you will be the best thing you can do. It will be easier to move on and live your life.
You know the fact that you are so self aware and know how this rocky relationship has impacted you is key. When you are ready, you will find someone who makes you feel reassured and safe in this respect. It's just having the patience and strength to go out there again when you feel ready to open your life to another person.
Your positive heart and determination to be happy again are clear and they will keep you going whenever you need that extra push. I think you are so right about losing that vindictive edge --- sadly a lot of people never do that.
One day at a time my friend, you keep moving forward and shining.
It is hard, but you are doing the right thing and looking within, instead of looking without. We can not control others, but we can look at our own feelings. It's so important to own feelings. It is natural to feel anger, resentment, sadness, jealousy, etcetera. I think where we all miss the mark is that we try to supress. We should feel that emotion/feeling and try to understand where it originates. Then once we know from where it stems we are in a better position to not go there again. Problem is that this process is painful as you run towards the pain, rather than away. Time heals my friend! Love the blog keep em coming!
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